Louis Machy, a visionary
Louis Machy buys Château d'Armajan, where he spent his holidays as a boy. Aware of the estate’s potential, he initiated with his daughter Marguerite and son-in-law Michel Perromat, long and substantial renovations of both the Château and the vineyard.
Château Beauregard Ducasse
Jacques Perromat reprend 1ha de vigne de sa belle famille dans les Graves, il décèle alors un potentiel énorme avec ce terroir et décide alors de créer le Château Beauregard Ducasse qu’il développera au fil des ans.
Certificate "Environnementale" level 2 in 2014. On going process for the level 3 "Haute Valeur Environnementale" (High Environmental Value)
Our vineyards have also been awarded AREA in 2014 (a standard granted by the Aquitaine region for eco-friendly agriculture)
In July 2015, after 2 years of audit, we joint the "Association pour le SME du vin de Bordeaux" (Environmental Management System), certified ISO 14001.
Organic certification
Launch of the conversion to organic farming at Beauregard Ducasse estate.