
The beginning

1828 - Le commencement

Four generations of Perromats

Antoine Perromat - Pierre Perromat
Marcel Perromat - Gabriel Perromat

Louis Machy, a visionary

1953 - Louis Machy achète le château d'Armajan

Louis Machy buys Château d'Armajan, where he spent his holidays as a boy. Aware of the estate’s potential, he initiated with his daughter Marguerite and son-in-law Michel Perromat, long and substantial renovations of both the Château and the vineyard.

Michel Perromat

Michel Perromat, 5th generation of winegrowers, carries on the family tradition. Michel Perromat, ever a visionary, sets up an approach focussing on quality and forges the fine reputation of our estates.

Louis and Armande Machy

1973 - Louis et Armande Machy

Louis and Armande Machy pass down Château d'Armajan to their daughter Marguerite, who will build it up with passion. She is supported by her husband Michel Perromat, who knows precisely how to extract the very best from the Sauternes vines.

Jacques Perromat

1983 - Jacques Perromat

Jacques Perromat takes over 1 hectare of his in-laws’ vines in the Graves, He can sense the underlying potential of this terroir and decides to launch Château Beauregard Ducasse that he will build up over the years.

Château Beauregard Ducasse

1985 - Château Beauregard Ducasse

Jacques Perromat reprend 1ha de vigne de sa belle famille dans les Graves, il décèle alors un potentiel énorme avec ce terroir et décide alors de créer le Château Beauregard Ducasse qu’il développera au fil des ans.

Marie-Laure Perromat

1990 - Marie-Laure Perromat

In 1990, Jacques’ wife, Marie-Laure Perromat, decides to become a member of the “Vignerons Indépendants” (French Independent Winegrowing federation) and boost the promotion of the family’s wines on both the French and export markets.

Château Le Juge

1992 - Château Le Juge

Purchase of Château Le Juge’s vines, which gives Château d'Armajan back its XVIIIth century historical ascendancy The estate in the Sauternes appellation covers 19 hectares.

Guillaume Perromat

1995 - Guillaume Perromat

With a PhD in Pharmacy and specialist knowledge of tannins, he takes on the responsibility of the Perromat Vineyards’ vinification process.

Château Beauregard Ducasse and Domaine de Cabirol

1999 - Château Beauregard Ducasse et Domaine de Cabirol

Construction of a modern, high-performance wine-making unit for the Graves.
That same year, the Cabirol estate extended over 12 hectares.
It’s Guillaume Perromat’s turn to join his father and brother.


2005 - Environnement

Eco-friendly approach adopted and construction of a water waste plant.


2015 - Certification

Certificate "Environnementale" level 2 in 2014. On going process for the level 3 "Haute Valeur Environnementale" (High Environmental Value)
Our vineyards have also been awarded AREA in 2014 (a standard granted by the Aquitaine region for eco-friendly agriculture)
In July 2015, after 2 years of audit, we joint the "Association pour le SME du vin de Bordeaux" (Environmental Management System), certified ISO 14001.

High Environmental Value

2015 - Haute Valeur Environnementale

High Environmental Value certification for all our properties, witness to our commitment to respect biodiversity and our soils.

Albert Perromat

2018 - Albert Perromat

Albert Perromat takes over Château Beauregard Ducasse in Graves alongside his father and thus represents the 7th generation of winegrowers in the family.

Organic certification

2020 - Conversion en agriculture biologique

Launch of the conversion to organic farming at Armajan des Ormes castle as well as an agroecological approach: plant cover for soil sustainability, planting of fruit trees and hedges for biodiversity.

Organic certification

Launch of the conversion to organic farming at Beauregard Ducasse estate.