Our ethics

We have been a member of the « Vignerons Indépendants » (French Independent Winegrowers Federation) since 1990, focussing on the following principles:

  • Working in the vines with the highest level of respect for the land, up until the bottling process in our wine cellars
  • Promoting our wines worldwide
  • Handing down our expertise and passion from generation to generation, since 1828

Since 2005, we have adopted a sustainable approach, from the vine to the bottle:

  • Cutting down on vineyard phytosanitary treatments.
  • Maintaining permanent weed cover between our vines, which is beneficial for biodiversity and habitats.
  • Installing an apiary in our vineyards, which bears witness to our outstanding biodiversity.
  • Reducing water consumption in the wine cellar.
  • Using lighter bottles to reduce the weight of glass.
  • Building a water treatment plant to manage liquid waste.
  • Our vineyards have also been awarded AREA in 2014 (a standard granted by the Aquitaine region for eco-friendly agriculture).
  • In July 2015, after 2 years of audit, we joint the “Association pour le SME du vin de Bordeaux” (Environmental Management System), certified ISO 14001.

Since 2017, our estates are certified "Haute Valeur Environnementale" (High Environmental Value), witness of our respect for the environment.

  • In 2020, we launched the organic certification at the château d’Armajan des Ormes.